Osteoarthritis oa or degenerative arthritis is a joint disease caused by cartilage loss in a joint. Osteoarthritis oa is a chronic degenerative disorder of multifactorial etiology characterized by loss of articular cartilage and periarticular bone remodelling. The joints most commonly affected by oa include the knees, hips, ankle, elbow, shoulder, hand, wrist and spine. Clinical features of osteoarthritis musculoskeletal key. The etiology of osteoarthritis of the hip has long been considered secondary eg, to congenital or developmental deformities or primary presuming some underlying abnormality of articular cartilage. It causes changes in the bone and deterioration of the connective tissues that hold the joint together and attach muscle to bone. Direccao geral da saude 34 2003 knee osteoarthritis prevalence of 3. The disease most commonly affects the joints in the knees. In india more than 20% of total population is suffering from arthritis, although the main cause of disease is unknown. Hip osteoarthritis has a significant genetic component. Read about diagnosis and treatment, and learn how osteoarthritis differs from rheumatoid arthritis.
A variety of traumas may trigger the need for a joint to repair itself. It is most common among joints in the lower extremities such as the knees and hip. Arthritis research uk produce and print our booklets entirely from charitable donations. Serum hyaluronic acid level as a predictor of disease progression in osteoarthritis of the knee. Serum levels of insulinlike growth factor 1 in subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee. Stress and the etiology of osteoarthritis wiley online library. Pdf etiology, epidemiology, and impact of osteoarthritis on an individual, society, and nation and the main principles of management of this. Hip osteoarthritis is characterized by the presence of pain, stiff ness, and limping. Osteoarthritis, which is almost universal in people over55, causessymptomsinonlysome.
Osteoarthritis etiology, diagnosis, treatment options, and images at epocrates online, the leading provider of drug and disease decision support tools. Get a printable copy pdf file of the complete article 1. Scanning a list of symptoms associated with osteoarthritis can give you a sense of what your diagnosis may mean for you, but digging into how those symptoms may affect your daily life can paint a more detailed picture of what an osteoarthritis diagnosis may mean for you. Osteoarthritis includes a slow but efficient repair process that often. However, the pathogenesis of oa is much more complex than just wear and tear and the term osteoarthritis, where itis is indicative of an inflammatory process, is indeed correct 1,2. Commentary on the article risk scoring for time to endstage knee osteoarthritis. Comparison of the standard radiograph and four hour bone scan image of the hand. Jun 20, 2017 osteoarthritis oa is the most common form of arthritis. Pdf multifaceted data collection to interpret aetiology.
Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. This leads to pain and stiffness that worsens over time, making it difficult to do daily activities. Until recently, the focus of research into the pathophysiology of oa has been on articular cartilage and has. Hawker ga, davis am, french mr, cibere j, jordan jm, march l, et al. Osteoarthritis oa is one of the most chronic health disorders in the western world and becomes particularly common with advanced age. Osteoarthritis is the most common disease of joints in adults around the world. This comprehensive book grants readers exclusive insight into current advancements in the field of osteoarthritis oa. Costa et al 35 2004 selfreported knee osteoarthritis of 11. Subchondral bone becomes unprotected and formation of cyst and fissure develops within the bone and cartilage breakdown of the cyst and leakage of the fluid in the synovial cavity inflammation and destruction of the joint capsule thickening and hardening of joint capsule joint stiffness and pain. Osteoarthritis is more common and severe in women, particularly in the knee and hand joints. Primary osteoarthritis is the less common variant and is characterized by the absence of. Inflammation most often affects the hands and feet. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of ncbi.
Aug 23, 2018 osteoarthritis oa is the most common form of joint disease. Oa can be caused by aging, heredity, injury from trauma or overuse, or disease. Methods classification of subsets of osteoarthritis. Development of criteria for the classification and. Osteoarthritis, also called osteoarthrosis or degenerative joint disease, disorder of the joints characterized by progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage or of the entire joint, including the articular cartilage, the synovium joint lining, the ligaments, and the subchondral bone bone beneath the cartilage. In the past, osteoarthritis oa was considered to be simply a degenerative wear and tear process and therefore often misnamed as degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis has often been referred to as a wear and tear disease. Oa is a chronic disease characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone.
The latter is effectively the primary articular structure damaged by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic arthropathy characterized by disruption and potential loss of joint cartilage along with other joint changes, including bone hypertrophy osteophyte formation. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease, although estimates of. Lee in press, journal preproof, available online may 2020. Osteoarthritis oa is a disease that predominantly, but not solely, affects the diarthrodial joints and results from an interaction between a number of complex mechanical and biological processes. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint disease, affecting more than 20 million individuals in the united states alone see epidemiology. Osteoarthritis oa is an anatomic clinical syndrome that courses with pain and stiffness which leads to progressive joint tissue lesions, physical incapability and affecting quality of life. Among the various structures making up the knee joint, the. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis oa understanding degenerative joint disease.
Some people call it degenerative joint disease or wear and tear arthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis, and one of. Development and preliminary psychometric testing of a new oa pain measure. Osteoarthritis oa in horses is a chronic, degenerative process. The etiology of osteoarthritis of the hip springerlink. Given osteoarthritis is not primarily an inflammatory process, as might be suggested by the suffix itis, some authors prefer the term osteoarthrosis instead. Jordan key points osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, typically affecting the hands, hips, knees, spine, and feet. Osteoarthritis oa is the most common degenerative joint disease and a major cause of pain and disability in adult individuals. Affected horses typically have clinical evidence of synovitis, varying degrees of lameness, and progressive loss of joint function. But other components also suffer the consequences as you will see in the rest of the chapter. It represents a heterogeneous group of conditions resulting in common histopathologic and radiologic changes.
Contributions from leading scientists and clinicians provide a detailed introduction into current understanding of the pathogenesis of oa, different joint structures affected by this debilitating disease hip, knee, elbow, shoulder, foot, ankle, hand, wrist, and. This chronic, degenerative disorder results from the biochemical breakdown of cartilage in the synovial joints. What is an osteoarthritic joint, and how does it occur. Mar 05, 2010 osteoarthritis is the most common disease of joints in adults around the world. Since the cause etiology of oa is still not fully eluci. Symptoms include gradually developing pain aggravated or triggered by activity, stiffness lasting osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can cause morning stiffness, but it usually lasts for less than 30 minutes, unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which causes stiffness for 45 minutes or more.
Osteoarthritis is characterised pathologically by localised loss of cartilage, remodelling of adjacent bone and associated inflammation. Department of anthropology, university of victoria, british columbia, canada. Oa is classified into two groups according to its etiology. Just print a page each week, and use it to keep tabs on symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, crunching sounds, or grating sensations. Osteoarthritis oa is a disease of high prevalence that produces substantial morbidity and is a leading cause of physical and psychological disability and expense, includ ing time lost from work, medical care, and disability sup port. It is most common in the small joints in the hand and weightbearing joints knee and hip and tends to be symmetrical. Full text full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Osteoarthritis oa is the most common form of arthritis. It is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the body. Osteoarthritis refers to a clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degrees of functional limitation and reduced quality of life. Rheumatoid arthritis this inflammatory disease of the lining of the joint results in pain, stiffness, swelling, joint damage, and loss of function of the joints. Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative disorder of the articular cartilage associated with hypertrophic bone changes. Risk factors include genetics, female sex, past trauma, advancing age, and. It occurs most frequently in the hands, hips, and knees.
In india more than 20% of total population is suffering from arthritis, although the main cause of disease is unknown, morphological changes observed in oa include cartilage erosion as well as inflammation. But besides the breakdown of cartilage, osteoarthritis affects the entire joint. Hutton cw, higgs er, jackson pc, watt i, dieppe pa. Core skills in musculoskeletal care elearning module 2 osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis and spine back and neck pain endorsed resource. The pathophysiology of osteoarthritis sciencedirect. Osteoarthritis of the knee osteoarthritis of the knee this booklet provides information and answers to your questions about this condition. Although degenerative joint disease is an old and exceedingly common problem, clinical investigators have not reached a consensus regarding. Pathophysiology of osteoarthritis authorstream presentation. Osteoarthritis, disorder of the joints characterized by progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage or of the entire joint, including the articular cartilage, the synovium, the ligaments, and the subchondral bone.
Osteoarthritis of the fingers and hands often runs in families, particularly in women. However in osteoarthritis of the hips and knees heredity plays a. Knowledge of the etiopathogenesis of oa has progressed significantly in the past few decades. Development of criteria for the classification and reporting. Osteoarthritis is a disease that involves the degeneration, modification, and remodeling of the joint cartilage, subchondral bone, joint capsule, and synovial fluid. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of. Pdf osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease of adults worldwide. Osteoarthritis is a destructive joint pathology that results from longstanding, repetitive trauma. Osteoarthritis oa musculoskeletal and connective tissue. Osteoarthritis oa is the most common joint disease in human populations with onset and severity influenced by mechanical loading. Osteoarthritis can be defined radiographically, clinically, or symptomatically. Links to pubmed are also available for selected references. Osteoarthritis oa, or degenerative joint disease djd, is the most common form of arthritis.
Osteoarthritis, also known as wear and tear arthritis, occurs when the cartilage that cushions and protects the ends of your bones gradually wears away. Osteoarthritis is a chronic, inflammatory joint disease in the world. Nearly 15% of the worlds population suffers from this disease. Oct 28, 2019 osteoarthritis oa is the most common type of arthritis, affecting nearly 27 million adults in the united states. It tends to occur equally on both sides of the body. Pdf the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of. Knee osteoarthritis is classified as either primary idiopathic or secondary. Recent information supports a hypothesis that socalled primary osteoarthritis is also secondary to subtle developmental abnormalities and the mechanism in these cases is. Introduction to osteoarthritis pathology of osteoarthritis.
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